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We've just released a new music video!
Country Beauty Queen was among the first batch of songs we collaborated on as a duo back in 2013, but it took a while to find its way onto an album and even longer to get its own music video. The timing just had to be right.
In a small town it's always bittersweet when someone finds love. On one ...
We'd wanted to create a supporting music video for this song ever since we released it on our penultimate album, "Driving By Candlelight," back in 2018. The pieces didn't fall into place until two weeks ago. After a bit of online sleuthing in a flurry of inspiration, Laurel knocked out the video from concept to final edit over an intensive ...
We are excited to share our latest music video with you! Featured on our fifth duo album After the Fire, which we released in 2022, "Colfax Harbor" is our nod to the Celtic/Irish ballad. Written by Dan back in 2005 at the end of a 6-month solo tour across the US mid-west and south, he included key features of the tradition: a tragic ...
Happy Holidays!!
We hope our last post of 2022 finds you well and enjoying a joyous and restful season. It's been a busy year for us, and we're looking forward to spending some time with family and friends, even if in many cases it's still virtually, in the coming weeks. However, we're really excited to share our latest music ...
Whew! For as shutdown as 2020 and 2021 were, 2022 has been a whirlwind of activity. We've been teaching and playing a ton of events locally, but alas, there have still been very few chances to perform as Dan and Laurel and share songs from "After ...
In about a week it will be 10 years since Dan's fateful sighting of Laurel in a YouTube video and the chance he took on sending her a message here on facebook. It bloomed into our partnership, five albums, well over 1000 concerts, several countries, countless tour stories, and Dan moving to a new country and having to start over on so many levels. ...
"After the Fire" released two weeks ago and we're pleased to announce that we've sold out of our initial run of physical album copies. Thank you!! More copies are on the way so if you didn't get a chance to pick one up yet we should have them back in stock in about ...